Tag Archives: blog design

Master Business Blogging Fundamentals for Improved Marketing Score

2013 is here. It’s time to think BIG. My flag of New Year resolution is furling high. This year, I aim to be the best inbound marketing talent around. Well, that’s not going to happen in a nick of time. It’s a tough cookie. But I will try.


Business Blogging: Let us master the basics together

I’ve put all my marketing ducks together in a row. And, I start with one of the most critical pieces of inbound marketing methodology- Business Blogging. Tapping and prodding the concept from all corners possible, I hereby present to you some quick tips to master business blogging fundamentals. So if you’re angling for a role of a business blogger at your organization, read on.

Business blog is a long-term marketing asset. Relevant and engaging content is one of the core components of a business blog. Corporate blogging directly correlates to better marketing results. Trust me on this one!

A good business blog is one that is rich in content, well optimized and well promoted. If you happen to get the remarkable content for your blog written frequently  half of the battle is already won. Now comes forth the seemingly challenging task of blog optimization.

Blog Optimization. How do you do it? Simple! To provide your business blog with extended reach beyond your normal readership, follow these simple steps.

Social Media Sharing: Add social media sharing buttons either on the top, bottom or left of your blog post thereby making it more shareable.

Visually enticing images: Add captivating image, graphics or infographics to your blog. Remembers, visual content charms readers more than sheer text chunks.

Well-optimized Blog titles: Master the art of crafting stellar, optimized blog titles (8-9 words or fewer). The post title should be simple, direct, intriguing or even newsworthy. Support your content with numbers, cues and facts.

Formatting: Format your blog adequately to make it more readable and engaging.

Contextual CTAs: Treat your blog like a real estate platform for the placement of contextual call-to-action tabs, in-text or sidebars.

Actionable: Write a succinct blog post with actionable steps and clear takeaways.

Entertainment: Make your story interesting and entertaining by adding metaphors to it.

If you have proved yourself a rock star in blog optimization, you’ll find blog promotion way easier. What do you need to do?

Hunt for guest bloggers: Find guest bloggers, influencers or experts in your network and explain them the benefits of co-marketing partnership as they would get exposure beyond their base subscriber count and also inbound links.

Social Media Sharing: Make your blog more shareable by getting some prominent social media sharing buttons added to your story.

Website Banners: Treat your blog like a platform to place some top-performing marketing offers as banners. You can also place your blog link as banner on different pages of the website such as “Home” page or “About Us” page.

Cut a video: You can also make an entertaining video covering your whole objective behind your blog and some funny moments while putting it up there.
Business Events: Don’t miss out on an opportunity to turn the heads of your audiences to your blog, if you are out there on a podium for a corporate presentation at any business event. This can surprisingly drive in a huge amount of traffic to your blog.

Email Signatures: Go for digital branding and include your blog link to your email signature in all external and internal communications. Encourage all your colleagues also to do the same.

Blog Directories: Submit your blog to top 50 blog directories on the Web and sit back to enjoy all inbound links flowing in and fetching authority for your blog.


Happy Blogging in 2013!!!

So…these were a few business blogging fundamentals from me. That’s all from me as of now. Have some more business blogging techniques in tool chest? I’d love to hear them all. After all, I’ve to live up to my New Year’s resolution.

Happy Blogging!!!!